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Adoption FAQ

Below is a list of most frequently asked questions on Adoption.

If you have a specific question that you would like to ask. Please get in touch with our dedicated teams through the Contact Us page.

Adoption agencies like Cambridgeshire and Peterborough do not charge to assess and approve adopters for domestic adoption, that is an adoption made in the UK. The process can incur other costs, for example, we currently ask you to pay for the adoption medical that you are required to have with your GP.

Adoption is a big decision. We aim to make the process towards being approved as an adoptive parent and legally becoming a new family as smooth as possible.

Our role is to make sure that prospective adopters are the best possible parents for the children in need of a secure and stable home.

The adoption process can be broken down into steps:

  • Deciding to adopt – Research and exploring adoption. Is it right for you?
  • Step one – Register with an adoption agency and checks and reference will be undertaken.
  • Step two – Training and Assessment.
  • Step three – Matching with the right child.
  • Step four – Moving in.
  • Step five – Adoption Order granted in UK court.

Children of all ages need adoptive homes. For our younger children, babies, and newborns we are likely to consider early permanence.

The overarching aim of early permanence is to give children stability in their lives as early as possible, by avoiding repeat moves and broken attachments. Instead of placing the uncertainty on children, adult carers are asked to manage the risks and possibility of loss. For more information, please visit our Who Are The Children page and/or Types Of Adoption page.

During your assessment you will discuss your matching consideration with your social worker. Once you are approved you and your social worker will work together to find the right child for you.

The process to adopt may not be as difficult as you think. It includes an assessment to ensure a person, or couple is in the best position to meet the needs of an adopted child. This includes checks such as a medical plus local authority and DBS checks.

Referees are also consulted along with several assessment visits by a social worker. We need to ensure a person, or couple is going to be able to meet the long-term needs of the children that need adoptive homes.


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